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.Wednesday, August 22, 2007 ' 4:46 PM
it's not good at all to see self but not your face

I have shifted my blog to jieyang.wordpress.com . thanks for understanding my frustration with boring blogger.

.Friday, August 17, 2007 ' 10:06 PM
it's not good at all to see self but not your face

The first photo on this blog that has my face. Due to the fact that I'll be a good boy (Lie detector bzzzzz!) and I won't be doing any funny stuff.
This is the 4A bros. Me, Shao (Ex-Birthday Boy), Weekian (Camwhore) and Darren. Darren looks like he just broke up.
I stand tall as of always. Just don't ask me how I get so tall. And I don't call that emo, I call it a wonderful experience named reminiscence.

.Thursday, August 16, 2007 ' 6:23 PM
it's not good at all to see self but not your face

I realised what it really mean to be grown up, matured into a young man when I watched the photo montage that Mrs Sim pieced together from photos took over the years. That cheery photo of me holding my two shoes up with a real smile brightening that young innocent face. I was 1.65m back then. Jianrui and Shao were with me in that picture too, and I really missed those days.

It was like me being a kid. We had genuine smiles.

I want that photo. It represented the kid in me, the part that remained the same throughout the years.

Mrs Sim, if you read this post, I want to tell you that I enjoy your sacarstic wit, and it was great to have you as an assembly teacher. (regardless of you calling me up to stand at the back for slouching.)

.Wednesday, August 15, 2007 ' 5:46 PM
it's not good at all to see self but not your face

I am like totally amazed by my classmates. They, possibly have the thickest skin in the whole damn world. The thickest. I honestly don't know how I landed up in this class, I try my best to accept some people for who they are, but honestly, I've given up. It's as simple as that. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall, explaining to them is like shouting into a cave, and talking to others about them is like recording your own voice, then playing it to yourself.

Backstabbing, slacking, quarreling, fighting. Wow, I realised that half the class can become gang members already. There's this scene(s) that replays in my mind day and again, how I quarreled with ahem, how I totally dao him, how I now despise the guy who gave me cookies on my birthday, and how I really really hate the guy who once did pw and a research paper with me. And I am equally amazed how fast I found friends that replaced them all.

But if that ahem was reading this, I would just like to say, stop staring at me in class, and talk to me if you want to. Is this that hard to do? All you got to do is say sorry.

But I must say, after experiencing pw with weekian and hweiee, I kinda appreciate your hard work at the start of last year's project (though you were MIA-ing in the middle and only appeared at the end).

Backstabbing. The only art that I haven't truly mastered. I am a master liar, a professional slacker (you will never realise), and a master manager of stress.

Did you ever realise that. Half of those I met in my entire life know me. As in me.

But I like it this way. Everytime I meet someone new, I can alter my personality according to circumstances, you will never come close to touching the real me. Only few do that.

What appears as trust in you, is only minimal. Don't you all get it? Pw, Ace, all those crap, I don't care, it doesn't matter to me. You want to make me go down, I'll do the job. You lose a partner. Wow. Amazing, you just realised that right? Well, you can smile smugly and dumbly in that seat of yours but know that you are just plain ignorant.

I very much prefer my own world, though I would like a few people to share it with.

Liars, cheaters, face your own negative karma. You have no friends, no life, no one to talk to.

Just rot now. Cause I'll be the one to finish the race, victorious.

.Monday, August 13, 2007 ' 3:53 PM
it's not good at all to see self but not your face

I honestly don't know what I really want in life anymore. It seems like everytime I work hard, I strive to get it. I would like to taste the seetness of an A1 with some hard work, but somehow rather, it eludes me. Rather, it is Chinese, the freaking subject which I flunk repeatedly, then toss it aside, leaving it to rot, then rewards the most. I dunno whether you'll call me a genius, but I went into the test with half-baked studying of the 250 idioms, and received a glorious 26/30, a far cry from the B4s I've been getting continuously. Today was kinda good too, I got 22/30 for the free essay part. That gives me a grand total of 80% for that test.

But. IHC is like totally unrewarding. Once again, I only score relatively well (when pitted against my own standards) for source-based, which you can smoke through with bits of common sense. I got B3 today, with the class scoring magnificently with countless A1s. Yeah, three cheers for me.

Well it's kinda dumb, well, to study so damn hard, but to heck with the shit I'm facing and onward we go into Biology. I shall get that freaking A1. I can't stand it when Mrs Har tells me I'm not performing to my usual standards. C'mon, I don't even know my usual standards.

On a lighter note, I hope you have realised that the Sunday Times have been very beauty/looks-themed this week, especially when Sumiko Tan explores the unexplored territory of how men react to cleavage revelations and how girls become anorexic in Singapore.

My take, if you have good assets, dress to look better, not to kill any men on the street with nosebleed. If you think you are fat, live in cold countries where people wear so much winter clothes that it impossible to see their figures. However, if you are obese, I would suggest a good workout. Nothing like taking away that spare tyre.

Well, let's just say girls who are like that won't score with guys.

If you are obese, don't flaunt your curves.

But neither should you flaunt your thunder thighs if you are Victoria Beckham on a anorexic diet. Amazing, eh? I've never seen such slim legs before.

Cleavage flaunting can be a very tempting experience for men. Very tempting. But being the chaste man that I am, I will resist the charms of her front, with the vivid memories I have of Victoria's wonderful legs.

Yup, so take my word, beauty is in you, not on you. (Sorry Zhiyang, you can't count on this principle.)

This post is in line with liang's and crazyhamster's post on beauty.

the kid/man

What can tell about this kid? He underwent a too sudden change, and lost everything dear in the process.



12slc :)
Xiao Tian/iqueststudios

wishlist this 30/8
Wallet (Check)
Bag (Unbought)
Pencil Box (Would love to have it)
Cap (Thanks, Ziran)
IPod Vid 60Gig (if you're rich)
Creative Zen Vision W (same here)
Anything, really.

I am a Friend of Yesterday.sg I'm On New Kids On The Blog!


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